Upcoming Exhibitions

Kunstsammlungen am Theaterplatz
28. Jul 2024 – 27. Oct 2024

Viewing the World

Johannes Post,  prrillice  (from FARC Series), 2023,  Farbprint auf Papier, 65 x 48 cm © der Künstler

The Pope in a down coat’, ‘Trump defending himself against arrest’, fake naked pictures of Taylor Swift… Since numerous new image generators and AI programmes flooded the market last year, there has been a proliferation of image fantasies, manipulations, and deepfake videos. These are often almost indistinguishable from ‘real’ images. Their massive dissemination is facilitated in particular by social media.

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Museum Gunzenhauser
29. Sep 2024 – 30. Mar 2025

Best of

Gabriele Münter (1877–1962), Landschaft mit Hütte im Abendrot, 1908, Öl auf Papier auf Karton , 33 x 40,8 cm, Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz – Museum Gunzenhauser, Eigentum der Stiftung Gunzenhauser, Chemnitz, Foto: Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz/László Tóth © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2020

The Stiftung Gunzenhauser is one of the large and outstanding private collections in Germany with more than 3,000 works. To mark the start of the 2025 European Capital of Cultural, Museum Gunzenhauser will present major works from that top-ranking collection. Icons of Classical Modernism, works that have travelled most and are most in demand, or seldom shown gems from the collection will be presented in varying combinations. The focus will not only be on the ...

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Kunstsammlungen am Theaterplatz
17. Nov 2024 – 2. Mar 2025

Erich Heckel – Aquarelle und Druckgrafik aus der Sammlung Jess

Erich Heckel, Mädchen (Detail), 1909, Foto: Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz/May Voigt

Erich Heckel was a founding member and commercial director of the Brücke artist group, with close ties to Saxony and Chemnitz. Jürgen Brinkmann’s outstanding donation to Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz significantly expands the collection through the addition of four watercolours and 40 graphic works produced between 1905 and 1966, thus tying in with the most recent acquisition of the sculpture Stehende, from 1920.

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20. Nov 2024 – 2. Mar 2025

Der Fotograf Paul Wolff

Paul Wolff, Blick vom Jakobikirchturm über das Chemnitzer Stadtzentrum in Richtung Sonnenberg, um 1905, Landesamt für Denkmalpflege Sachsen (Nachlass Paul Wolff)

Architectural photography constitutes a focal point in the work of Paul Wolff. Wolff also documented the everyday life of urban and rural populations. His estate with over 6,000 glass plate negatives is now kept by the Saxony State Office for the Preservation of Monuments. The exhibition will feature a selection of these negatives, including a variety of views of the city of Chemnitz. The photographic motifs dating primarily from the period before and after the ...

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Kunstsammlungen am Theaterplatz
24. Nov 2024 – 2. Mar 2025

Reform of Life

Silver Studio, Druckstoff Tulip, 1898, Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz, Foto: Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz/PUNCTUM/Bertram Kober © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2023

In the late 19th century the Art Nouveau movement constituted an attempt at reform through art, at a time when industrialisation’s negative social and environmental effects could no longer be ignored. Across Europe, »apostles of the New Style«, such as the extraordinary Belgian artist Henry van de Velde, spread their convictions of an artistically-designed environment that would improve people’s lives. Van de Velde designed three houses and multiple interiors in Chemnitz, foremost Villa Esche, as ...

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Museum Gunzenhauser
27. Apr 2025 – 10. Aug 2025

European Realities

Otto Dix (1891–1969), Rothaarige Frau (Damenporträt), 1931, Mischtechnik auf Leinwand auf Tischlerplatte, 60,8 x 36,6 cm, Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz – Museum Gunzenhauser, Eigentum der Stiftung Gunzenhauser, Chemnitz, Foto: Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz/PUNCTUM/Bertram Kober © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2024

With a focus on painting, the European Realities exhibition is dedicated to the many different European Realism movements throughout nearly all of Europe in the 1920s and 1930s. The project addresses the issues of starvation and misery, and about the modernisation of industry. It reports on the economic upswing and cultural boom, on technical progress, on the big city and nightlife, on emancipation and diversity. This period in art has never been presented on such ...

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4. May 2025 – 11. Jan 2026


Hotel Kongress (Detail), 1975

Die Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz – Schloßbergmuseum werden im europäischen Kulturhauptstadtjahr 2025 eine Ausstellung zur Architektur und zum Städtebau in Karl-Marx-Stadt zeigen. Chemnitz ist eine Stadt der Umbrüche. Im Zweiten Weltkrieg wurde die Innenstadt stark zerstört. Von 1953 bis 1990 trug sie den Namen Karl-Marx-Stadt.

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Kunstsammlungen am Theaterplatz
10. Aug 2025 – 2. Nov 2025

Edvard Munch

Edvard Munch, Selbstporträt (Ausschnitt), 1895, Lithografie, 59,6 x 43,5 cm, Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz, Foto: Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz/László Tóth

Norwegian-born painter Edvard Munch is one of the most important pioneers of modern painting in Europe. Munch registered the intensity of an entire period much as a seismograph, expressing it through his emotionally charged paintings. Angst – a key pictorial theme in his works – was ever present.

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